Labor Standards

Three humans walking in a warehouse

The NYS Department of Labor is committed to ensuring that every hardworking New Yorker is paid the fair wages they deserve.

Labor Standards


The Division of Labor Standards protects all workers, including those that are undocumented or paid off the books, and ensures employers are following Labor Laws. Our goal is to ensure that all New York workers are being paid the proper wages, do not have their right to a meal period or day of rest violated, and to uphold New York State Labor Laws.

We enforce the State Labor Laws for minimum wage, hours of work, employment of minors, payment of wages, farm labor, nursing mothers in the workplace, and more. We can issue fines and penalties, as well as investigate complaints regarding Labor Law violations.

All workers are entitled to fair wages and are protected by Labor Laws. The Division of Labor Standards is here to protect you.

As of September 2023, Wage theft is larceny under New York State Penal Law section 155. Failure to pay wages may result in referral to a local District Attorney for consideration for criminal prosecution.