CBSE Nursery Syllabus, Subjects, Topics 2024 -Download PDF

If you are searching for Nursery Syllabus for the 2024, here is the CBSE Nursery Syllabus. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) provided detailed syllabus for nursery classes based on NCERT’s Guidelines for Preschool Education. All state board syllabus in India also almost same to the cbse syllabus except few changes.

Most of the nursery class syllabus CBSE is designed to help your child in the overall development. It is made in such a way to keep your child engaged in activities like writing, reading, number recognition, counting and solving problems.

Aim & Objective of Nursery Syllabus

The main aim of Nursery class is to guide the child to develop himself as a better human being. The aim towards motivating the child to discover himself as an outstanding self reliant member of society. CBSE Nursery Syllabus aim at helping the child unfold his/her talents to facilitate and sharpen his mental and physical abilities. For this a systematic and dynamic child-oriented programme will be followed in the form of a Thematic Approach’ to provide the child with an independent congenial and a meaningful atmosphere.

This syllabus covers the latest curriculum and guidelines for nursery class by CBSE, ICSE and other state boards.

CBSE Nursery Class syllabus PDFDownload

CBSE Nursery Class Subjects

There are 6 subjects in CBSE Nursery Class Syllabus and all subjects contains 3 topics (i.e. Oral Topic, Written Topic, Practical Topic)

Nursery Syllabus 2022-23 with Subjects

Nursery Syllabus for English

Oral Topic

Written Topic

Practical Topic

Nursery Syllabus for Maths

Oral Topic

Written Topic

Practical Topic

EVS Syllabus for Nursery

General Topic

Practical Topic

Nursery Syllabus for Rhymes and Stories



Nursery Syllabus for Arts and Craft

Nursery Syllabus for General Activity

How many subjects are in CBSE Nursery Class Syllabus?

There are 6 subjects in the CBSE Nursery Class and they are English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Rhymes and Stories, Arts and Crafts, and General Activity.

Is Nursery and LKG the same?

No. both are not same. LKG known as lower kindergarten. It is a pre-class after nursery.

What is the minimum age to go to Nursery Class in India?

The minimum age to go to Nursery Class is 3 years. 3-6 years old children can go to Nursery Class.

What Class after Nursery?

After Nursery, children go to the LKG Class.

Is it compulsory to go to Nursery Class?

No. Going to Nursery Class is not compulsory. Children can skip nursery class.

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