Complete the CAPTCHA below for a hint on how to log in.
The default log in credentials for an Employee are:
Username: Your SSN (9 digits)
Password: FIRST FOUR of your SSN
- Drug testing services continue without interruption. For Drug Testing Q & A, or to learn more, please visit
- Safety Awareness Training is available online by logging in and clicking directly on "View a Safety Module". The interactive web-based format provides an enjoyable learning experience in less than half the time and cost. Just click a hyperlinked title to start a module. You can bookmark your place and restart where you left off, no CDs are required.
- The training standard includes 18 Learning Modules based on topics from the OSHA 30 Hour Outreach Training Program.
- MUST will recognize other OSHA and DOL accredited instructor led training, licenses, and certifications that grant credit toward the 18 Learning Modules. Contact MUST to see how you can qualify.
- Review FAQs at